How to improve team engagement. The burning question on the minds of so many leaders today.
What are you struggling with when it comes to keeping people engaged in their work? Do we understand why it is that people become disengaged? And what does it mean when people are disconnected and disengaged and disinterested? The consequences can be immeasurable.
In order to keep people engaged, we need to realize that it’s all about people wanting to do their work rather than feeling as though they have to do their work. When people demonstrate discretionary effort, then they are highly likely to wanna keep on demonstrating that discretionary effort.
That’s because they are connected to what they are doing. They are genuinely enjoying what they are doing. And I can’t imagine that there are leaders out there who wouldn’t want that for their teams.
So if we are gonna truly engage our teams, we need to realize that we need to be engaged ourselves, and we need to understand that that is what our teams are looking for in their leaders.
So remember: to have an engaged team, we need to be able to connect with people. When you show people the purpose of what they’re doing, and point them in the direction that they are focused on that purpose, they will feel more connected and they will feel more encouraged to be supporting your vision for your business and helping them to realize their own vision as well.
This article is a transcript from How to Improve Team Engagement – A Leadership challenge YouTube.
Michelle Ray (Twitter) is one of the best international leadership keynote speakers in Vancouver. She helps you discover your potential through presentations, coaching and consulting. With over 20 years of experience Michelle has worked with hundreds of companies around the world. She is taking bookings for speaking engagements and can be contacted at