When looking for a keynote speaker, it is important to choose wisely. The top speakers have stories to tell that will keep your audience engaged and excited to hear more. They have advice to share and new ways to approach old problems — with proven results. For your next event, choose an inspirational speaker with a reputation for great results . Choose Michelle Ray.

What to Expect from Great Inspirational Speakers
Hiring an inspirational speaker is not unlike hiring a new employee; finding the best person for the job is the goal! A great inspirational speaker can make the difference between fueling excitement and inspiring long-term change in behavior and culture throughout your organization. Michelle is an inspirational speaker who has helped organizations and businesses of all sizes overcome barriers to success.
When you choose Michelle as your inspirational speaker, you can expect your audience to be instantly engaged, to regain their interest in meeting goals and progressing in their careers. Inspirational speakers like Michelle spark real emotion and create unforgettable experiences. They also drive change.
The pace of change is one of the most difficult challenges facing businesses today. Rather than just encourage your employees to make a change, Michelle will provide them with relevant, practical steps to overcome personal fears in order to view change through a different lens. She delivers speeches that resonate with participants.
Why Your Event Needs an Inspirational Speaker
Anyone can tell a story, but words have a far bigger effect when they are delivered by experienced inspirational speakers like Michelle. The message itself is important, but the impact is critical.
It's often beneficial for employees to hear viewpoints and perspectives from someone outside of their organization. Michelle shows attendees that they are on track to great things, making it easier for them to take the next step. Whether you want to improve teamwork, create better leaders, or give individuals the confidence they need to take the reins, Michelle's inspirational speeches make the difference.
Great inspirational speakers recognize the importance of staying relevant. Michelle will work with you to choose the right topic and tailor a speech to your unique needs. She will work with you to develop a customized keynote designed to bring you tangible results.
Michelle’s Background
Having served companies in diverse enterprises and not-for-profit organizations, Michelle is among Canada's award-winning inspirational speakers. She began her career in Australia, working in media and advertising. Her accomplishments include raising sales revenues for the top radio and television affiliates in the country and bringing the world’s largest cinema advertising contractor record-breaking revenue in the middle of a recession.
Michelle offers inspirational speeches to an array of businesses. She speaks with passion and identifies with her audiences as she shares similar experiences, overcoming challenges that seemed insurmountable. Yet she succeeded by focusing on possibilities instead of problems.
Are you ready to be inspired? Book Michelle for your next event.
Leadership is not about title. It’s about character. Neither is it about position power. Practicing personal leadership is everyone’sresponsibility. It has nothing to do with a job title. Learn about the importance of harnessing the power of personal leadership and why it matters to your people and your organization.
Adopting a new system or process can be intimidating, perpetuating the “status quo”. Without awareness and information, you will invariably continue reacting, rather than anticipating changing market conditions. Learn how to overcome the fear of change and alter your entire perspective regarding situations that are outside of your control.
Understanding and managing drama in the workplace is a concern shared by leaders and individuals alike. Not only is it emotionally draining, the cost and consequences to morale and productivity cannot be understated. If you want a motivational speaker who brings humour to this potentially challenging topic, Michelle can help!
As organizations strive for the competitive advantage, talent retention has become a top priority. When organizations create more opportunities for inclusiveness and collaboration, trust builds, engagement increases and relationships become stronger. Michelle can help your leaders stay ahead of the curve, build your talent brand and retain your best people.
No matter what your title or position may be, your ability to achieve buy-in for your ideas necessitates outstanding communication skills. Effective influencers understand the importance of putting others’ interests ahead of their own. Michelle can help you increase your credibility and leverage your message to ensure greater success.
Learning to rise above change, uncertainty and adversity is a sought-after skill. Many organizations now recognize the importance of developing resilient leadership. When teams face unexpected organizational or market shifts, they look to their leaders for confidence and direction. Discover three powerful strategies to hone a resilient mindset.

Book Michelle for your event and see how she can help you discover your greatest potential.