In spite of the fact that we are living in a time of unprecedented growth, unprecedented opportunity, limitless potential, it is extraordinary how many leaders are not aware of the importance of giving feedback to this current generation that is looking to grow and looking for opportunity.
If we’re not contributing to their professional development by showing them the opportunity path, letting them know how they’re doing, and giving them specifics in terms of that feedback, there is a possibility that it’s very easy for them to go somewhere else. Are you connecting with people and taking the time to discuss their performance, to give them feedback, and to frame it in a way that is constructive if it’s not exactly what you think it should be or what that performance should look like?
So everything that we do in terms of how our current workforce perceives us matters to them, and giving genuine, constructive, regular feedback is important in terms of potential career development and growth. Let’s make sure that we’re doing all we can to communicate this feedback and recognize that they know what the potential is for their career whether it’s with you or somewhere else.
This article is a transcript of on YouTube.
Michelle Ray (Twitter) is one of the best international leadership keynote speakers in Vancouver. She helps you discover your potential through presentations, coaching and consulting. With over 20 years of experience Michelle has worked with hundreds of companies around the world. She is taking bookings for speaking engagements and can be contacted at