As I listened to the CEO’s concluding remarks at his organization’s staff appreciation event, I noted that every attendee was completely engaged; hanging onto every word. Five employees were being recognized for their service, and their leader enthralled the crowd as he shared anecdotes about each person. It was clear that the CEO’s expression of appreciation was heartfelt as he described his professional relationship and history with each individual in great detail. The stories were not about reaching sales targets, completion of projects or new client acquisitions. Rather than focusing exclusively on their contribution to the success of the business, the CEO spoke about the manner in which each honoree had made an impact on him and what he had learned from them in order to be a better person. [Read more…] about Leadership Lesson: Lead With Your Character, Not Your Title
Leadership Lesson: Look for the Good!
“She’s always whining,” “He’s retired on the job”, “Not worth the trouble trying to motivate her”, etc. etc.
When it comes to managing employees who have seemingly tuned out, shut down and stopped contributing, it is easy to understand why leaders and managers become frustrated, abandon hope of a turnaround, and give their attention to the more engaged team members. After all, dwelling on the negative employee is an energy drain, hinders our effectiveness and takes a toll on managing higher priorities.
As leaders, most of us agree that managing difficult people is challenging. The usual default position of leaders who give up on unproductive employees is based on the premise that they are simply too much work. However, can we be certain that our summation is entirely accurate? [Read more…] about Leadership Lesson: Look for the Good!
Three ways we kill our creativity
I recently had the opportunity to take Cayden, my eight year-old grandson, to a hockey game. Fortunately for me he loves watching hockey as much as I do. As we walked into the arena, Cayden immediately noticed all the merchandise for sale. He asked the salesperson how much a “Number 33” jersey would cost, knowing that the price would far exceed his (or grandma’s) budget. He’d already pictured himself wearing one with pride, whether we attended a game or watched on TV. What he didn’t realize was the fact that I already had a “plan b” in the works to purchase one elsewhere. As we took our seats a few minutes later, Cayden said: “It’s OK, Grandma. You don’t have to worry about buying me a jersey. Santa is going to bring me one.” I savoured the moment, having no intentions of shattering Cayden’s imagination. Santa would deliver! [Read more…] about Three ways we kill our creativity
Forget New Years Resolutions: Start With Your Mindset
As we reflect on the events of the past twelve months, we are inundated with advice regarding New Years Resolutions, why they fail and what we need to do to achieve our goals. Like most of us, I look forward to the beginning of a new year with positive anticipation. However, while I do believe in setting objectives, I don’t make resolutions, nor do I place unrealistic expectations upon myself. Instead, I’ve come to the realization that if I wish to change any aspect of my life, the process starts with my attitude. I cannot create new outcomes without adjusting my thinking. [Read more…] about Forget New Years Resolutions: Start With Your Mindset
Leaving a leadership legacy: Three tenets to live by
As I watched the founder of one of Canada’s best places to work grace the stage, it became apparent that not only was he deeply moved by the reaction of his staff, but also reflective and humbled as his team applauded and stood to honour his legacy. Every team member, as well as managers at all levels, had been impacted by their founder’s philosophy, both personally and professionally.
Rarely have I seen such a display of affection for a leader, for a company. The fabric of the organization’s culture was entirely woven by the values and principles of a very special man. On this occasion, staff had gathered from around the world to celebrate a major milestone in the company’s history. All were acutely aware of the significance of the event and the moment, realizing that the organization’s next chapter would be theirs to write. [Read more…] about Leaving a leadership legacy: Three tenets to live by
Understanding unconscious bias: Your perception becomes your truth
Spanish philosopher George Santayana said in the Life of Reason: “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” (1905-1906) If there is any truth to the notion that history repeats itself, then Santayana’s prophetic insights are as relevant today as they were more than 100 years ago. [Read more…] about Understanding unconscious bias: Your perception becomes your truth
Are you a Positive Influencer or a Chronic Complainer? Choose wisely.
Earlier this month, I had the pleasure of meeting and working with an association that invited me to speak at their annual conference on the subject of influence. Although their membership is extremely diverse, the common denominator for all their members is the fact that they are in a position to profoundly impact their leaders, clients and co-workers on a daily basis. They were keen to learn more about the art and science of influence, and what struck a chord with me was the fact that they were passionate about making a positive difference in their respective workplaces. [Read more…] about Are you a Positive Influencer or a Chronic Complainer? Choose wisely.
The art of asking questions – Your biggest communication asset
Mark always prided himself as an exceptional negotiator and communicator, yet during a recent performance review with an employee, he was accused of reneging on a promotion offered during a conversation several months prior. Mark recalled the initial discussion, however both parties had a different understanding regarding the timeline for the promotion to take effect. His employee requested that a union representative also attend the performance review and Mark was informed in advance that a grievance would be filed should the matter remain unresolved.
[Read more…] about The art of asking questions – Your biggest communication asset
Resentment, Resistance, Rejection: Demystifying the Fear of Change
Nothing changes if nothing changes. The only constant is change. All great changes were preceded by chaos…Wise and witty sayings on the subject of change that have become popularized and shared through the ages. Yet, many of us continue to baulk at any organizational change initiatives, despite the evidence presented by leaders who tell us that if we don’t move forward and break from the past, we risk becoming irrelevant. [Read more…] about Resentment, Resistance, Rejection: Demystifying the Fear of Change
Three ways to elevate your influence and energize your client relationships
After enduring almost an hour of suffering, the convener finally called the meeting to a close. Attention spans had been stretched to the limit, the opportunity to reach consensus had failed and the client’s frustration levels soared to new heights. If this scenario sounds familiar, you are not alone.
[Read more…] about Three ways to elevate your influence and energize your client relationships